
There are several key trends driving the ongoing radical changes in the energy sector

  • A gradual though increasingly intense move toward energy from renewable sources, cogeneration and energy saving ;
  • Greater attention being paid to supply security and environmental sustainability;
  • Scarcity and costs of traditional natural resources;
  • The globalization and integration of the market that has finally done away with national borders and set the stage for real transnational markets;
  • A concurrent entrance of new small and medium enterprises to satisfy new market niches; 
  • An increasing move toward a more efficient use of resources both for economic and environmental reasons;
  • A process of deregulation that aims at improving final client services and has radically changed market equilibria long conditioned by monopolistic structures;
  • A tighter integration between energy, environment, territory and mobility markets. 
  • A series of new digital technologies whose objective is to bring an improvement of performance in production, distribution and consumption.

Faced with this scenario, players need structural changes and to adopt sustainable and flexible business models able to bring together as effectively as possible, the use of new technologies, innovative organizational models, integrated supply chains into a global strategic vision. 

Our team of experts has had important experiences with large public and private groups, institutional subjects and private equity funds, in the privatization processes, M&A, review of business models and verticalization projects of the production chain, restructuring and supply chain.

There is no part of the value chain in which we are not thoroughly competent, from extraction to distribution.  We can support you in managing both ordinary and extraordinary situations, and thanks to this are able to contribute decisively in determining the success of growth programs, projects to enhance industrial performance, review of engineering processes, restructuring of the supply chain or portfolio of products and services.

What we bring to the oil & gas sector

The Oil & Gas sector is facing, together with its competitors using alternative energy sources, growing regulatory pressure linked to the environmental and safety impacts of their operation, rising costs and the obsolescence of structures and operative models, a growing need to guarantee access to resources due to the political instabilities.  So today it is more important than ever to adopt effective and innovative models for bringing hydrocarbon fuels to the market to maximize return on investment, to develop new technologies, reduce risks and at the same time offer lean solutions and new ways of responding to market needs.

We offer our support on a group level but also only on single business units, over the entire value chain going from drilling to sales, on strategic environments and performance enhancement.

What we bring to the sectors of Utilities and Alternative Energy Sources

The Utility sector is faced with a growing demand for electric energy in a complex general context in which there are an expanding number of norms connected to the liberalization of the market and to increasing restrictions in the area of environmental impact, more intense competition, the need to guarantee security of supplies and the clients’ growing attention to environmental aspects.

The scenario is strongly dynamic meaning we have to be able to adapt to emerging scenarios rapidly and adopt business and organizational models able to reduce risks and trigger processes of continued innovation of both process and product.  Looming over all of this is the need to use energy more efficiently through an increased use of renewable energies, cogeneration, energy saving, intelligent infrastructure, smart grid and solutions based on a massive use of digital platforms and services.

We help our clients create a readiness to tackle the challenges this competition brings, helping them in creating business and innovative organizational models based on the digitalization of processes, products and services.


The areas where we work



Clean Energy/Environment;

Engineering and Components;

The clients we serve

Oil&Gas companies; 

Equipment and service providers in the Oil&Gas sector; 

Utilities operating with conventional energies;

Producers of renewable energies; 

Commercial Operators;

Private Equity companies;

Profiles reference

Filippo Natoli

Managing Partner

Italy | Rome

He is a manager with solid professional experience of international breadth acquired while covering various roles in a number of business and cultural contexts. He has mostly worked in high-tech, capital intensive companies, both public and private, in the aerospace sector as a manager of important...Read more

Our Solutions

Strategy and Business Development

  • We assist our clients in designing strategies and business development plans;
  • We help to identify opportunities for organic and inorganic growth of a global scale;


  • We assist in the implementation of lean technical standards and integration of 4.0 technologies along the “extended value chain”;
  • We activate the auditing system, ensuring monitoring and assessing the impact on KPIs;
  • Restructuring the supply chain and the revision of the sourcing strategies;
  • We implement cyber security management systems with particular focus on knowledge and information flux protection;  


  • We design more effective organizational structures, teams and roles to reach strategic and operations objectives, based on the most advanced and agile lean models; 
  • We encourage participation and reward propositivity when implementing systems; 
  • We have developed a system of roles and models of competence and knowledge management with particular attention placed on identifying and filling gaps between the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) disciplines using innovative and fast methods;

Innovation and R&D

  • We create the operative and cultural conditions to generate, assess and implement a continual flow of technological, IT, business, instrumental and organizational innovations;


  • We help you elaborate market, distribution and sales strategies oriented both for business to final customer and business to business. 
  • We assist in the process of entering new markets with dedicated teams to manage focused partnership projects, promotion and sales activities.