Business Development

Our unit

Our Business Development unit is made up of a group of highly professional international entrepreneurs, with long experience in managing complex projects: turnarounds, M&As, joint ventures, startups, new product launches and market development on a global scale.

We work in the European Community, Russia, Eastern Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America.  Our main objective is to identify industrial and service realities, both startups or consolidated companies, which are highly innovative and high tech, to help them to expand their business in the markets in which we are present.

We offer our clients a global vision of the market and make it easier for them to take advantage of available opportunities to develop their business within the sector which is strategic for them, while considering their propensity for risk, their technological and financial prerogatives, cultural heritage and relevant environmental conditions.

    Our approach

    Systemic and Proactive

    • We design and implement structured and well-balanced solutions based on our clients’ business objectives;

    • We handle complex negotiations and execute complex, large-scale, deeply structured  transactions requiring a proactive approach and sophisticated elaboration, with accuracy and the sequential order of the actions being the most critical factors;
    • We manage full-scale interaction among all parties involved in the project at the decision-making level;
    • The in-depth knowledge of the industries in which we operate allowing for a systemic approach and an ability to minimize risks.

    Customized and versatile

    • MI’s diversified professional experience allows it to integrate its vast knowledge of markets with a high level of customization and maximum attention to our clients’ objectives;

    • Experience joined to knowledge makes us versatile and able to know how to manage the complexities linked to the specificities of each single case;
    • None of our competitors in global consulting can quite match our lean structure and high quality expert structure which allows us to make quicker decisions and implement them more effectively.

    Profile reference

    Nicola De Feudis

    Head of Finance

    Italy | Rome

    Has long experience in Business Development, Advisoring and Management in different kinds of organizations, from Strategy Consulting Firms, to Private Companies of all sizes, Government Agencies, SME and their Networks. Is well-versed in Internationalization, with first-hand experience of related...Read more

    Our Solutions


      Market analyses

      • Analyses in the relative competitive arena;
      • Segmentation of the market and identification of short-term and medium-term opportunities in reference to the current product portfolio;
      • Identification of the strong points and key resources to access foreign markets, in particular European Community, Russia, Eastern Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America.

      Business Development Strategies

      • Assistance in designing and implementing a business development plan;

      • Identification of the instruments needed to expand a company’s market share and/or move into new markets;

      • Support in the executive phase of commercial, partnership or acquisition agreements;
      • Assistance in designing and executing projects to delocalize production and/or technology transfer;
      • Management, contractual and legal assistance in setting up dedicated vehicles;
      • Support in satisfying required norms when moving into new jurisdictions.

      Launch and development of a Startup

      • Support in evaluating commercial and financial sustainability;
      • Development strategy and optimization of the strategic position in “captive” markets;
      • Identification of the best business model for the market entry phase;
      • Identification of partners and investors to assist in the development plan and ensure the best synergies;
      • Assistance in negotiating and redacting agreements among parties.

      Venture Capital projects

      • Monitoring of international markets in search of investment opportunities;

      • Management of technology transfer projects in captive markets;

      • Assistance in identifying a global level peers network to generate economies of scopes and technological synergies;
      • Research and identification of industrial partners and investors to sustain the development of the business. 
      • Assistance in the negotiation of the agreements among the parties.

      Restructuring and reorganization on a corporate level

      • Assistance and drawing up and implementing a corporate level or business unit restructuring plan;

      • Support in setting up an M&A plan, particularly as regards strategic transnational operations;

      • Assistance in spin-off and carve-out operations;
      • Management, company and administrative support in setting up foreign branches in markets where we operate.